Albums of Evidence

Found objects, found images and new portraits to record the disappeared in Kashmir

Mountains in Bandipora district, June 2017. (Inset) Clothes belonging to Manzoor Ahmad Khan, who was disappeared on 31 August 2017. PHOTOGRAPHS AND TEXT BY SIVA SAI JEEVANANTHAM
Mountains in Bandipora district, June 2017. (Inset) Clothes belonging to Manzoor Ahmad Khan, who was disappeared on 31 August 2017. PHOTOGRAPHS AND TEXT BY SIVA SAI JEEVANANTHAM
31 August, 2022

In January 2020, I visited the house of Irfan Ahmad Khan in Srinagar. Khan had gone missing in 1994 when he was still a schoolboy. His family suspected that he had been picked up by the military. As I listened to his family narrate stories about him, I flipped through an album of their photographs. I saw a black-and-white photo of Khan as a baby and then a few more photos of him growing up. The last photo of him was taken on his fourteenth birthday, the year that he disappeared. At the same point that Khan disappeared, evidence of him disappeared from the family album. 

My visit to Khan’s family was part of the project I was working on along with the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons in Kashmir. The APDP is a movement against the many enforced disappearances that have been rampant in the valley for decades. An enforced disappearance occurs when a person is detained or abducted and there is subsequently no information provided about the person’s whereabouts or fate. The association estimates that between eight thousand and ten thousand people have been disappeared since the start of the insurgency in Kashmir, which since 1989 has resulted in the massive militarisation of the valley. The APDP documents disappearances and provides support to families of the disappeared. As a photographer, I worked with them to preserve the memories of the disappeared by gathering visual evidence from their families. Khan was the youngest victim of enforced disappearance that I came across.

(Left) Family photographs of Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar. Dar was taken from his house by unidentified men on 6 June 1994 as he was about to have lunch. His brother Ali Mohammad Dar believes the men were from the Indian military because they were not Kashmiri. (Right) A chinar tree in Srinagar’s Nishat Gardens casts a shadow on a shamiana erected beneath it.